Master has taken the wise decision that i am to quit the gym and focus on home workouts. He says that the journey times too and from the gym are too long and that i should be spending that time focusing on him. He also says that it is making me far more sociable with people he doesn’t really approve of me being too sociable or comfortable with. I have to give one month’s notice, which I did today.
Instead of my gym membership, i am to focus on using my cross trainer and free weights at home.
Master also says it will be more fun for him having me work out at home because he can add extra little provisos in. The first is that i am to do an hour’s work out every day. The second is that i exercise naked apart from my trainers. He is planning on adding some more little things for me to do, but says that these will do for a start.
He also says that I am to put the £46 I save in gym memberships each month into a new savings account. i am to use this money to buy things that Master wants to use on me. He will tell me what to buy and when.