The slave has been ordered by it’s Master to only use free software rather than premium, paid for software. His reasoning is sound, the slave should not expect luxuries or the ability to take the easy option, even in its digital life. it should be focused on individuals rather than corporations. It’s move to free as in beer software and also FOSS* where available is designed to help it do this. There is some fine open source software out there so the object is looking forward to the challenge. The exception is the tracking and restriction software it has on it’s phone which is controlled by it’s owner. It will, of course, donate to individual developers as they deserve to get paid.
Due to the change the slave will:
- Change operating system from Microsoft Windows to a Debian based Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu
- Implement monitoring and restrictions on its new operating system
- Move from iPhone to Android
- Use LibreOffice rather than Microsoft Office
- Replace all other software with FOSS versions, if FOSS is not available for a particular piece of software it will use a free, proprietary software
- change web hosting to a small concern rather than using large corporations & use open source software within the hosting environment – maximum £5/$7** per month spend allowed
- change email to a small concern rather than using Microsoft Office 365 – maximum £10/$15** per year spend allowed
- set up and use Nextcloud rather than Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive – maximum £5/$7** per month spend allowed
*FOSS = Free and Open Source Software
** It is noted that some services are charged in $ or € rather than £ and that often services from companies in other countries may be a better fit or price so some fluctuation in currency conversion is allowed for